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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Turning the Page

Wow, so much has changed so recently. For anyone who doesn't know, Jeth and I live in St. George, UT. We bought a house and a dog there. I have been working at Smith's while Jeth has been working for a window cleaning company out of SLC. It's been pretty rough with his job.

Well, Jeth just got an offer for a new job with Layne Christensen Drilling. He's based in Tuscan, AZ right now. He's gone for 10 days and home for 4. So far he has really liked it. His first hitch was interesting. The guys he was working with were super lazy and didn't like him because they didn't like his brother that he works with. They moved him to a different crew for his second hitch (that he's on right now) and they are a lot nicer. They get along really well. More importantly they're actually teaching Jeth how to do this job. Now he's getting the hang of it and is loving life. Drilling pays really well so I can finally quit my job and do the things that I have wanted/needed to do. I'm going to start the spring semester at Dixie so I can finish my generals. Then I'll transfer to SUU to finish my degree in education. While I am doing this, Jeth and I are going to be foster parents. We have wanted a baby for a long time. Since we have not had this blessing and there are so many children out there who need some stable parents, we decided we wanted to help. My classes start in October in Cedar City. I was going to start the classes in Manti, but they started on my nephew's first birthday. Sorry, I can't miss that.

After I finish my degree, Jeth is going to quit with Layne Christensen and go to school himself. He wants to get a degree in Carpentry. He wants to own his own business making furniture. He's going to do such a good job with that. He already makes some of our furniture and he's pretty good!!

I can't tell you how much of a relief this has been on both of us. Well, wish us luck!


  1. How great for you guys!! Good luck in school and I'm glad Jeth is enjoying his new job!!

  2. That sounds great for you guys. Good luck with school and the parenting classes. Hey let us know when you are here in Cedar and we will have you over for some food and catch up time. I am glad Jethro is enjoying his new job.

  3. I'm so happy for you guys! You'll make great foster parents! Good luck in all you guys are doing right now!!! (Thanks for posting a comment... I was able to find you & add you to my blog list!)
