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Friday, June 4, 2010

Update on Funky Syndrome

As many of you probably know, Jeth and I have been trying to have a baby for 2 1/2 years now. We hadn't started any kind of medication thus far. When I went to our family doctor, he started talking to me about my cycle along with a few other questions. He said that he thought that I had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Mouthful, I know. It has something to do with an insulin problem that attacks your ovaries, causing a woman to not ovulate. This is semi-mandatory in getting pregnant. So, I made an appointment with a girlie doctor.

The girlie doctor did her routine violation. Then we talked about this syndrome and what it entailed. I had to go get some blood drawn (that was the funnest part about this visit). She called me today with the test results. Everything is normal. I'm fine. No funky syndrome. They checked everything she could think of. I'm as healthy as a horse. Nothing even looking semi-funky. So, I'm going to get started on some medication that is supposed to jump-start my ovaries. I feel like a truck. . . She said that if this works I will be pregnant within a couple of months. She seemed optomistic that it would. If not, I'm going to try another medication for a couple of months. If that doesn't work, then Jethro is going to go through his excruciatingly not fun testing. Poor guy. . . :s So, we'll keep everyone posted, but it sounds like there might be a spring baby!!!!